
Dead By Daylight’s Newest DLC, Chains Of Hate, Is Out Now

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Dead By Daylight’s Newest DLC, Chains Of Hate, Is Out Now

The latest DLC pack for Dead by Daylight introduces a new Killer, Survivor, and map on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.

NEW Dead By Daylight DEATH SLINGER Chains of hate DLC is out. First impressions, reactions and games

I skipped the Player Test Build and managed to MOSTLY avoid spoilers related to how the new killer and new survivor drop in Dead by Daylight Chains of Hate DLC worked. Even managed to avoid seeing the killers mori all in preparation for this moment.

FIRST TIME BLIND trying the new Deathslinger killer character. Saved every last blood point so I could get him to level 50 right away and jump on in. Brought a mori to the fist game so we wouldn’t have to wait to try that out. AND in this video we explore the new map a little as well.

This is mostly the raw experience of our first three games of the day, but cut down so there isn’t quite as much walking around and we get to the juicy, blood squirty stuff a little quicker.

If you enjoy, be sure to like and comment. Keep in mind – going in, I KNEW NOTHING… Within the day I played more games, and picked up more on how he works.

I’m REALLY eager to hear thoughts on the new killer / survivor perks and what kind of load outs are most likely to do well.

#DBD #StrangerThings #FirstImpressions

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I’m THEFLOOD, a twitch live streamer who started on the platform with Fortnite but is leaning into more Dead by Daylight and mixed variety content. My one and only goal on twitch is 2 MILLION followers (REAL ones, no balogna!) and we’d love to have you stop by and check out the floodzone sometime. It’s definitely not a cult.

Новый маньяк Стрелок на ПТБ ! / Цепи ненависти (Chains of Hate) / Dead by Daylight PTB

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Обзор нового маньяка в Dead by Daylight. Впечатление о стрелке. Сhains of hate dead by daylight!

Всем привет, в этом ролике вы увидите обзор нового маньяка стрелка в виде геймплея! Надеюсь ты поставишь лукас и оформишь подписочку на канал!

геймплей за стрелка в дбд
dead by daylight chains of hate
новый маньяк в дбд

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1. Timeflies – Glad You Came
2. Neffex Mirror
3. Desembra – Get Blazed (GAME OF THE YEAR 420 BLAZE IT theme)

#дбд #стрелок #новыйманьяк

Dead By Daylight’s Newest DLC, Chains Of Hate, Is Out Now The latest DLC pack for Dead by Daylight introduces a new Killer, Survivor, and map on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. NEW Dead By Daylight DEATH SLINGER Chains of hate DLC is out. First impressions, reactions and games I skipped the Player Test…

Dead By Daylight’s Newest DLC, Chains Of Hate, Is Out Now The latest DLC pack for Dead by Daylight introduces a new Killer, Survivor, and map on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. NEW Dead By Daylight DEATH SLINGER Chains of hate DLC is out. First impressions, reactions and games I skipped the Player Test…